Workshop 2
Contact Information
Speaker Stephane Budo
Azure Virtual Networks (V-Nets)
create private networks in the Cloud (Azure)
○ can control IP addresses
○ DNS servers
○ Security rules
○ Traffic flows
It's privatised
has a private IP
can be broken into subnets
○ break the one IP address into different sections
Naming Rules for Vnets
Vnets need a UNIQUE NAME within it's own resource group
Important to stick to a naming CONVENTION across resources
The Vnet is located inside a datacenter (within a specific region)
Any resources you wish to connect, must be in the same region
You can create multiple vnets per subscription and per region
Note: there is a limit
Also you can create multiple subnets
IP Addresses
You can assign IP address to your resources if you want them to talk to each other or go to the internet
Public IP addresses
Used to communicate with the Internet
Private IP addresses
can't be used outside of your enclosed vnet
Used to communicate within the VNet
Vnet to Vnet (Vnet PEERING) (like P2P Bittorrent)
Connecting a Vnet with another Vnet
Danger: they cannot have the same IP address because of CONFLICT
Vnet peering - connecting Vnets within the same Azure region GLOBAL Vnet peering - connecting Vnets across Azure regions
Costs big bucks $$$$
They connect to multiple Vnets
they're not transitive
So if V1-V2-V3, V3 doesn't know about V1
VPN Connections
What if you wanted to connect a Vnet outside of Azure???
Use the gateway within Azure to get out
○ Created using a SUBNET gateway within Azure
○ Always created in pairs (for high availibility)
Gateway in your target destination
Types of Connections
Point-To-Site (VPN)
Site-To-Site (VPN) a. Go from a site b. Out through to a gateway within Azure c. To the Azure Vnet through the Vnet gateway
ExpressRoute (Private Site-To-Site) a. Don't go over the Internet unlike VPNs b. Create private connection between data centers and infrastructure on your environment
You can hybrid and use ExpressRoute where you need and VPN in other areas
Network Services
Azure DNS (Domain Name Resolution)
you can set up DNS servers
allow mapping from domain names to IP addresses
Private IP Addresses
by default its configured by Azure-managed DNS
They provide internal name resolution within your network
CDNs (Content Distribution)
Caching content depending on the user location
saved in the nearest server
Load Balancing
Azure Load Balancer
Balance load depending on the network traffic
The important things for your server is to have high availability and resiliency
○ Having high uptime according to your SLA
○ How your network will react to failure
Maps public IP address and port number of incoming traffic
○ Maps to private IP address and port
Interfaces between public IP and the IP within your own network
Internal (Private)
Directs traffic inside the internal network
Handles IPs inside your network
Internally, this is where Tiering occurs
Load balancers are used to prioritise performance and traffic distribution within your network
A good example use is when developing websites:
○ You usually have a web tier
○ and a backend tier (this is usually on its own network)
Traffic Manager
Last updated
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