Customising the front page

Removing the page title

This is quite jarring, but I want to keep it simply for SEO to show up on search engines like Google or Bing whenever you search up 'Microsoft Student Accelerator'. So I just need to remove it from the front page. Setting the size doesn't seem to work, so I'll be editing the CSS to set the property to display:none.

The featured image is one of the most important elements of the front page, being the first thing that users will see. It's important that I not only select a significant image, but also have a relevant title and subtext, and a call-to-action button that is useful.

Also, for accessibility and SEO, I should also include an alt tag for the images I use.

Here's what I ended up with. I used the image of the New Zealand MSA team as the background, used the name of the website as the heading (h1) with the tagline slightly modified. As well as that, I've changed the button to be a "register link" that directs to the AU MSA Facebook page.

About section

For this section, I was deciding whether or not I should go with the values or the actual content of the program. In the end, I went with the latter, using some icons+header to identify areas of interest that MSA fulfils. However, still might want some style changes - maybe adding some colour to the icons or boldness to the headers.

Microsoft Student Partners

Not sure if this has been rebranded to Microsoft Learn Ambassadors (could be a different thing), but I know that they always are after new partners, so I thought it would be good to have a section for it. I've decided to include the current body of Student Partners that I know of (tentative) following the style structure below.

At the moment this section is quite poorly styled, so I'll definitely look to redesign it, but mostly the elements I need are all there.

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