Asia Pacific Internship Experience

1. What excites you about working at Microsoft?

As an intern said in the video, working at Microsoft can be explosive and dynamic, consisting of speed bumps and uncertainties along the way. This means that journey will be turbulent and pose different challenges - however not without reward. By overcoming the challenging nature of working at Microsoft, you come out the other end as a better person; someone who is more resolute and confident about their abilities.

As such, the challenges that you face when working are possible and designed to push you in the right direction. Moreover, Microsoft is a collaborative environment where the people around you are always willing to lend you a hand whenever you need help. Therefore, the opportunity to be in that environment where I can tackle any problem that comes my way is extremely exciting for me!

Additionally, challenge can bear interesting results in the workplace, which is usually associated with mundaneness and non-variety. By placing you in situations and giving you opportunities unlike any other, you are placed in the best position to grow and improve for your career. What's more, people are given equal footing and treated seriously. There is no babysitting or downplaying; it's a place where adults are fully supporting one another under Microsoft's common mission.

2. What opportunities do you see at Microsoft to utilize your knowledge and skills?

Having experience technical field, I would say that my skills are best utilised in roles that require some form of technical knowledge. These could be both purely technical roles (such as developers or engineers) or people-facing roles (like evangelists or workshops). In addition, since I have worked as a tutor and within the customer-service industry, I am also well equipped to work in customer-facing roles (such as support roles or advisory).

More specifically, as a business technology company, Microsoft brings that perfect blend that matches my palette perfectly. Having access to the new wave of software and technology (such as Cloud, VR and AI), I will be able to utilise my prior knowledge to adapt to the upcoming technological trends and endlessly innovate within Microsoft.

3. What impressions did the Microsoft interns in the video give you about the culture at Microsoft?

The Microsoft interns praised Microsoft for being a place of support and growth. They were able to work in a safe place that was inclusive and accepting for who they were (Come as you are, do what you love) and given avenues and opportunities to excel and grow. By placing them in unique situations (such as judging competitions and advising startup companies), the interns were free to explore and experience the different sides of the company.

As well as this, the interns did not feel undermined or undervalued in any way. Instead, they were treated as mature working adults and given responsibilities with impact on their teams and communities and support was provided to them when they needed.

Be the change you want to see

Reflection on Model Answers

Speed bumps and resilience

The first intern described her journey as being ‘full of speed bumps and uncertainties’ and then described the benefit of this. Let’s explore what the benefit was and how Microsoft supported her.

The intern spoke of their experience being 'full of speed bumps and uncertainties' but also being able to overcome these experiences by being in an environment with 'people who are always willing to lend a hand'. In addition, she remarked that by overcoming these obstacles, she 'felt more confident'.

This demonstrates the type of culture that Microsoft is fostering. A culture around having a growth mindset, being resilient in face of adversity and staying inclusive towards employees and people alike. This creates an environment of trust and security that is built on the older employees and carried onwards and spread around with the interns.

As teamwork is essential in any workplace, Microsoft has fostered attributes that positively influence their teams, creating a supportive community to tackle any problems the organisation faces. This feeds the reward center of the brain and builds confidence, trust and respect in employees within the company who continue to inspire and bring the best out of each other.

An eye-opening experience (exposure to different technologies)

Broadening your experience by being open to working across different areas enhances your professional portfolio and opens up opportunities that perhaps you were previously unaware of. It broadens organizational knowledge, increases exposure to the business and a range of people. Working in different teams introduces you to different ways of working, thinking, approaches, styles and specialist knowledge. You start to see how all the parts of an organization need to work together to achieve the organization’s goals. You get the opportunity to directly observe what works well, what can be challenging, how to overcome obstacles, how to collaborate and how to work in a team. This practical experience is essential for understanding how organizations and teams work and how to contribute in a way that is valued.

Broad industry knowledge is important for your professional development. Industry is always changing. Staying up to date in your industry, is now a necessity. Our world is ever-changing, driven by evolving innovation and technologies that carve out new trends across all industries. Keeping your knowledge current will not only secure your relevance in the role but will also contribute to growth, experience and a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

A life-changing experience

Microsoft's mission is to empower every person and every organisation on the planet to achieve more. . Achieving that mission begins and ends with people: Our people and the people we provide products and services to, whether they’re organizations or individuals. We believe technology is a powerful force in improving people’s lives. We see it every day in our work — whether its students discovering the magic of creating something new with code, or health workers who use cloud services to better diagnose illnesses, collaborate with colleagues, and treat patients. The potential of technology to empower people and organizations has never been greater. We hire amazing people to do amazing things. Come as you are. Do what you love. How can that be anything other than life-changing?


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