A Data-driven World

Data is the new oil

If we look at the world today, we can see that the foundations of how we operate heavily rely the use of data. Data is so embedded in our lives because of the dependence we have on technology. And because technology is so prevalent in society, where you don't go anywhere without a mobile device - the fuel behind it being data, is where all the power is.

With data being such a varied and essential commodity, optimising the use of data and taking advantage of the opportunities it presents is extremely valuable.

If we just consider the scale of dependency on data, we can see how much impact data has on our world that is driven by technology. Everyday you come into contact with things that utilise data in some shape or form.

Businesses operate on data; analysing their customer interests and utilisation and adjust their strategy and prioritisations based on their customer data.

People connect with solutions that house personalised data (traits, patterns, location, etc) and these machines accommodate these behaviours to improve their usage such as Virtual Assistants (Siri, Alexa, Cortana) using pattern recognition to suggest places to eat, or calendar events to mark.

Thus, being able to take the data and transform it to something that is meaningful is something that Power Apps exists to do. By empowering people to interact with data and be able to use it to gain insights, automate menial tasks and analyse significant trends, it allows technology to do what it does best, and enables people to focus on more interesting and creative problems.

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