2. Preparing for the Virtual Experience

Again in this module, Chin-Tang greets us with an introduction to the virtual internship.

The importance of preparation

Being prepared for any experience is beneficial for not only tempering your expectations, but also readying yourself before you embark on a new chapter. This is especially true when considering your career, which at a very early stage is a dramatic shift in progression before entering the workplace. So it makes an enormous difference if you are prepared and have some sort of understanding compared to venturing into the unknown blindly.

It's foolish in fact, to explore a cave without any gear. Without a flashlight, you cannot see, without a map, how do you know where you are going? Without food and water, how are you going to manage your time and provisions? The importance of preparation cannot be undermined, especially when dealing with such a prevalant part of lifestyle - our careers.

If you take an a small specialised army who has trained for many scenarios and face them against an army 10 times their size but without any preparation, then it is assured that the ones who have prepared will win. There are so many factors that are to be accounted for in war; strategy, formation, terrain, weaponry, skill, battle-flow. This unpredictable nature is much like reality.

Research and planning for work

For the workplace, this requires research and planning on the field and company you will be working in. Knowing what parts of the business you will like to work in and what you are likely to epxerience gives your journey a sense of reality - assure what you already know and what you need to know about real workplace experience

As Microsoft, you are part of a greater picture, becoming an individual that can empower billions. With this, you can see that the scale of impact at Microsoft is truly astounding. Along with this comes with opportunities for you to innovate and push your career in new ways.

The COVID Situation

Now with COVID, the work landscape has been called to change drastically. Briefings are now conducted online, and public-facing events are now required to be digital.

in the next year, all events will be digital

  • challenging to transform

  • new challenges operating virtually

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